Democracy is dangerous… to the wealthy and powerful.
Because there is strength in numbers. And when we show up, we win.
City Council and the Mayor are empowered by OUR vote. They work for us, their power comes from our consent. Or at least it’s supposed to… Because in order to give consent, we’d actually have to know what is going on.
But if you’re wealthy and powerful, consent can be manufactured. And this plot to push a BID is a masterclass in manipulation. Loopholes and lobbyists exploiting flaws in a system. Distracting us with parties at parcel 5, while they meet behind closed doors to disenfranchise us. To drive up their property values and drive us out.
This City belongs to all of us… for now.
The RDDC is playing games with us. And they are not playing fair. They are puffing themselves up, assuming the identity of local government. They are banking on us not paying attention.
That we don’t question.
That we don’t protest…That we will sit and wait our turn at their table, and be polite and negotiate… Aw hell no! The future of Rochester is everyone’s business!
The wealth behind this BID is insatiable and they are trying to steamroll this legislation through to keep tax dollars locked downtown. To drive up their rents and investments at the expense of our community.
This gentrification has played out across the country over and over. Seniors forced out of the homes that they’ve owned for decades because their property taxes went through the roof.
Families and neighborhoods are destabilized…Communities replaced…Working class and poor folks
who’ve invested their blood, sweat and tears to build this community are being pushed aside again. Where will they go? Where will you go?
This BID is a rebrand of redlining, a redo of urban renewal. We know what this will do to our community. Because it has been done before, and we are NOT doing it again.
We will not be moved.
Because there is strength in numbers.
This BID legislation is fundamentally flawed.
It cannot be fixed by City Council, so it must be stopped by City Council.
Council needs to hear from us loud and clear. “No BID”. Say it with me.
No BID (x3)
Ok so that’s great for our council members who are here tonight, but we need to empower council to stick with the people, not the pockets.
We just passed 700 signatures on the petition this morning, and with your help we’re going to hit 1,000 before we deliver it to council this month. More people need to know what is going on.
So get out your phones, you can scan here or go to and click the yellow link to sign. Once you sign, share the petition to your socials and get 2 more local friends or family to sign.
Because there is strength in numbers…
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